April 17 - 18
DAY1 : Saturday, 17 April
09:00 Registration
09:30 Welcome and introductory remarks by Carlo Morici
09:45 Welcome lecture: The island La Gomera and its ecology by José MarÃa Fernández-Palacios
Session 1: REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Chairwoman: Conny Asmussen
10:05 Geographical variation of palm scent: implications in the attraction of the specific pollinator of Chamaerops humilis by Marie Charlotte Anstett and Antoine Gaillard
10:25 Pollination of some Brazilian cerrado palms by Ilse Silberbauer-Gottsberger and G. Gottsberger
10:45 Biogeography, reproductive biology and evolution of the Betel Nut palms and their relatives by Adrian Loo, John Dransfield, Mark Chase, and Bill Baker
11.05 Coffee break
11:30 The floral scent chemistry of some palm species in relation with systematic grouping by Aroonrat Meekijjaroenroj and Marie Charlotte Anstett
11:50 Phenology and pollination of Nypa fruticans in southern Thailand by Lars Eg Hoppe
12:10 Round table discussion on Reproductive ecology (Convenors Marie Charlotte Anstett and Ilse Silberbauer-Gottsberger)
13:00 Lunch
Session 2: ECONOMIC BOTANY Chairman: Bill Baker
14:30 Genetic diversity of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) revealed by microsatellite markers by Salwa Zehdi
14:50 The use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for hybrid detection between Phoenix canariensis and P. dactylifera by Miguel A. Gonzáles Pérez and Pedro A. Sosa
15:10 Sugar palms in Thailand by Ratchada Pongsattayapipat and Anders S. Barfod
15:30 A microsatellite study of the wild and cultivated varieties of Bactris gasipaes in northwestern Ecuador by Thomas Couvreur
15:50 Coffee break
16:20 Historical aspects of the introduction of palms in northern Italy by Valentina Scariot and Federica Larcher
16.40 Development and use of new STS markers for identification of Phoenix species by Valentina Scariot and Aziz Akkak
17:00 The extraction of palm honey from Phoenix canariensis: tradition and present by Marco DÃaz-Bertrana Sánchez
17:20 Round table discussion. Topic: Economic botany (Convenors Anders S. Barfod and Fred Stauffer)
18:10 Close
DAY 2: Sunday, 18 April
9:30 â 11.30 Excursion to the ravine of Alojera to see how the palm sap is collected.
11:30 Coffee break
Session 3: SYSTEMATICS AND PHYLOGENETICS Chairman: Anders Barfod
12:00 An Illustrated talk on new dimensions in the Dypsidinae by John Dransfield
12:20 A phylogenetic study of Borasseae by Ross Bayton
12:40 Fossil palms: assembling the data for GP2 by Madeline Harley
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Hypervariability in ITS: data from the palms of La Réunion by Berit Gehrke, Dominik Begerow, and Franz Oberwinkler.
14:50 Systematics of Hyophorbeae by Argelia Cuenca Navarro
15:10 A molecular phylogeny of Chamaedorea using two low-copy nuclear genes by Meredith Murphy Thomas, N.C. Garwood, W. Baker, S. Henderson, S. Russel, D. Hodell, and R. Bateman
15:30 A new subfamily classification for the palm family by Conny B. Asmussen, John Dransfield and Bill Baker
15:50 Coffee break
16:20 Round table discussion. Topic: Systematics and phylogenetics (Convenors Conny Asmussen and Bill Baker)
Session 4: ECOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY Chairman: Carlo Morici
17:00 Climbing palms from Southeast Asia and America: biomechanical architecture and the evolution of the climbing habit by Sandrine Isnard
17:20 The evolution of apertural type in palms: development and selection by Julie Sannier
17:40 Structure and development of the flowers in Licuala peltata (Coryphoideae, Corypheae) by Fred W. Stauffer, A. Barfod and P.K. Endress
18:00 EUNOPS V and concluding discussion
19:00 Close
20:30 Conference Dinner in Restaurante Agana, offered by the City Hall of Vallehermoso.
DAY 3: Monday, 19 April
9:00 Bus excursion to visit the different ecosystems of the islands, offered by Cabildo de La Gomera. Lunch included. Ends in Vallehermoso in the late afternoon (18-19:00).